Soap Nuts - The Benefits Of Washing With 100% Natural Detergent. Soap nuts are actually not a nut; they are in fact a berry from trees that grow in particularly in India and Nepal. A very ecological and economical way to do your laundry, they have been used for centuries thanks to their degreasing qualities.
Once ripe, soap nuts become sticky due to the high content saponin contained in their shells that, when added to water, act as a natural detergent. The detergent properties of the saponin in the soap nuts is due to a combination of lipophilic components (soluble in oily organic compounds) and hydrophilic compounds (soluble in water), which, when agitated, remove grease from clothes, skin or soiled surfaces.
Soap nuts used as shells or in liquid form, do not need any processing or industrial production. Neither do they require any added pollutants (phosphates, solvents, whitening agents) before use. Also when using soap nuts, the water released from your washing machine contains nothing harmful to the environment. In fact, the saponin from the nuts acts as a very good solution to combat the propagation of parasites and the aphids in the garden. Soap nuts are, therefore, considered as non-toxic and non-polluting.
Other Advantages of Ecological Laundry
Soap nuts are not aggressive towards clothing and linen
Soap nuts are very effective for washing delicates, wool and silk without pilling or spoiling the shape
Soap nuts are great for making colours vibrant again
Soap nuts are hypoallergenic and excellent for anyone who suffers from skin complaints
Soap nuts are more economical than traditional washing detergents
Soap nuts can be used for multiple purposes: laundry, jewellery, pets, household, etc.
What Results Can I Expect For My Laundry?
Due to the natural characteristics of saponin, soap nuts are considered to be less effective than chemical detergents but, they are sufficient for most washes. They are great for colours and delicates and can be used for hand or machine wash in temperatures of 30° to 90°. They are also suitable for dish-washing. The people who use soap nuts are generally of the opinion that this green, ecological manner of washing is as good as washing with chemical detergents, although for heavily soiled laundry, the use of a stain remover or bicarbonate of soda is recommended.
Instructions For Use in The Washing Machine
Put 6 half nuts into the cotton bag (normally provided) and add to the laundry in the drum
Add a couple of drops of your favourite smelling essential oil to the wash; because the soap nuts offer no scent.
Re-use the same nuts 3 to 4 times more for low/medium temperature, and less for hotter washes
When the soap nuts become soft, throw them on your garden compost heap and use new ones for your next wash
Soap Nuts Liquid Soap
If you decide to use soap nuts in a liquid form, the same rules apply in terms of using in the washing machine; temperatures ranging 30° to 90°. Just add about 40ml of liquid direct into the drum or the drawer of the machine and wash as normal; not forgetting the essential oil for scent.
A Few Tips & Tricks
If your laundry is very dirty, pre soak it with bicarbonate of soda as well as the wash nuts.
If there are stains, rub with Savon de Marseille then soak as above
If the water is very hard, soap nuts can be less effective so add a little baking soda or white vinegar to the washing machine
Once ripe, soap nuts become sticky due to the high content saponin contained in their shells that, when added to water, act as a natural detergent. The detergent properties of the saponin in the soap nuts is due to a combination of lipophilic components (soluble in oily organic compounds) and hydrophilic compounds (soluble in water), which, when agitated, remove grease from clothes, skin or soiled surfaces.
Soap nuts used as shells or in liquid form, do not need any processing or industrial production. Neither do they require any added pollutants (phosphates, solvents, whitening agents) before use. Also when using soap nuts, the water released from your washing machine contains nothing harmful to the environment. In fact, the saponin from the nuts acts as a very good solution to combat the propagation of parasites and the aphids in the garden. Soap nuts are, therefore, considered as non-toxic and non-polluting.
Other Advantages of Ecological Laundry
Soap nuts are not aggressive towards clothing and linen
Soap nuts are very effective for washing delicates, wool and silk without pilling or spoiling the shape
Soap nuts are great for making colours vibrant again
Soap nuts are hypoallergenic and excellent for anyone who suffers from skin complaints
Soap nuts are more economical than traditional washing detergents
Soap nuts can be used for multiple purposes: laundry, jewellery, pets, household, etc.
What Results Can I Expect For My Laundry?
Due to the natural characteristics of saponin, soap nuts are considered to be less effective than chemical detergents but, they are sufficient for most washes. They are great for colours and delicates and can be used for hand or machine wash in temperatures of 30° to 90°. They are also suitable for dish-washing. The people who use soap nuts are generally of the opinion that this green, ecological manner of washing is as good as washing with chemical detergents, although for heavily soiled laundry, the use of a stain remover or bicarbonate of soda is recommended.
Instructions For Use in The Washing Machine
Put 6 half nuts into the cotton bag (normally provided) and add to the laundry in the drum
Add a couple of drops of your favourite smelling essential oil to the wash; because the soap nuts offer no scent.
Re-use the same nuts 3 to 4 times more for low/medium temperature, and less for hotter washes
When the soap nuts become soft, throw them on your garden compost heap and use new ones for your next wash
Soap Nuts Liquid Soap
If you decide to use soap nuts in a liquid form, the same rules apply in terms of using in the washing machine; temperatures ranging 30° to 90°. Just add about 40ml of liquid direct into the drum or the drawer of the machine and wash as normal; not forgetting the essential oil for scent.
A Few Tips & Tricks
If your laundry is very dirty, pre soak it with bicarbonate of soda as well as the wash nuts.
If there are stains, rub with Savon de Marseille then soak as above
If the water is very hard, soap nuts can be less effective so add a little baking soda or white vinegar to the washing machine