How Tall is Lebron James, Michael Phelps, Peyton Manning & Alex Rodriguez?

Lebron James, Michael Phelps, Peyton Manning and Alex Rodriguez are the superstars in their respective fields in sports.

Lebron James towers on the basketball court, Michael Phelps is tall drink of water in the pool, Peyton Manning reigns tall on the football field and Alex Rodriguez is at the height of his game on the baseball diamond. So how tall are these sports super stars?

Alex Rodriguez got the height of 6'3", Peyton Manning is 6'5", Michael Phelps is 6'4" and LeBron James got the height of 6'7".

It looks like height indeed does matter! Especially in these games, these players got not only game…but they got height. That's why many people many say, "Height is Might."
