A raunchy comedy video scandal was brought about by Captain Owen Honors, a high-ranking Navy commander. The videos, released Sunday by a newspaper in this Navy port city, featured Captain Owen Honors using gay slurs, pantomiming masturbation and staging suggestive shower scenes.
They were played on the shipwide television system during weekly movie night when Honors was executive officer, or second in command, of the USS Enterprise. Since an edited version of the video was released by the newspaper over the weekend, U.S. Fleet Forces Command has launched an investigation into Honor's lewd videos.
Watch the USS Enterprise Navy Video Scandal:
Over the weekend, the Navy at first downplayed the videos as "humorous skits," then called them "not acceptable" and said they are under important investigation. Navy sources told NBC News that Honors "will be temporarily relieved of his command as early as Tuesday" while the investigation is taking place.