SECRET MILLIONAIRE – American millionaires gain a new perspective on what it’s like for the lower classes as they go incognito and work at minimum wage jobs in some of the country’s most poverty-stricken neighborhoods. After working side by side with needy-and-deserving people, the “secret millionaires” ultimately meet with those they want to help, reveal their true identity and give away at least $100,000 to their lucky recipients.
SECRET MILLIONAIRE “Dani Johnson: Knoxville, TN” Episode 1- In the premiere episode, millionaire and successful entrepreneur Dani Johnson leaves her family and lavish lifestyle behind to spend six days in one of the poorest areas of Knoxville, Tennessee, in search of those most in need of her help. While there, she will survive on welfare level wages, volunteer her time and search her heart to determine how much of her own fortune to gift the community heroes she meets. “Secret Millionaire” premieres SUNDAY, MARCH 6 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET) on The ABC Television Network.
Watch the Video of Dani Johnson in The Secret Millionare courtesy of ABC: